Affiliate Program

Affiliate Program

Affiliate Program

Share templates,
make easy money.

Share templates,
make easy money.

Share templates,
make easy money.

Enjoy my website templates, and think your audience might too? Join SM Affiliates to get 15% of every sale that comes through your unique link, paid instantly via PayPal after attributable purchase.

Enjoy my website templates, and think your audience might too? Join SM Affiliates to get 15% of every sale that comes through your unique link, paid instantly via PayPal after attributable purchase.

Enjoy my website templates, and think your audience might too? Join SM Affiliates to get 15% of every sale that comes through your unique link, paid instantly via PayPal after attributable purchase.

Who should apply?

Not everyone is a good fit, depending on how you intend on promoting SM Templates. Important: You can't apply for the affiliate program just to get a discount for yourself.


The most common affiliate situation: You're writing a blog post and want to feature links to templates. For example, you're writing a "Top 10 Templates for Nonprofits" and want to feature Retrograde.

Designers w/ Clients

If you build sites for clients and frequently share templates as a basis for the design, to have them purchase. Note: If a client buys the template, they get the unlimited license, not you.


If you're building a directory site of Squarespace templates (such as SQSP Themes or Ghost Marketplace) and want to get a percentage of every sale.