
May 29, 2024


May 29, 2024


May 29, 2024

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Global Radius

Global Radius

Global Radius

Quickly adjust the border-radius on a variety of elements on the template, without changing them individually.

Quickly adjust the border-radius on a variety of elements on the template, without changing them individually.

Quickly adjust the border-radius on a variety of elements on the template, without changing them individually.

How it works

Want to quickly make your site have a sharper, less rounded look? Simply make the --global-radius variable 0px and you're all set! Some blocks like standalone image blocks may have the border radius manually set, so you would have to change those, but… still much quicker than doing everything manually!

Want to quickly make your site have a sharper, less rounded look? Simply make the --global-radius variable 0px and you're all set! Some blocks like standalone image blocks may have the border radius manually set, so you would have to change those, but… still much quicker than doing everything manually!

Want to quickly make your site have a sharper, less rounded look? Simply make the --global-radius variable 0px and you're all set! Some blocks like standalone image blocks may have the border radius manually set, so you would have to change those, but… still much quicker than doing everything manually!

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