How it works

How it works

How it works

Getting started guide

Getting started guide

Getting started guide

Not sure how to pick a design? Learn more about how the template process works, what to look for, and how to make the best use of your new template after purchase. Every template journey includes these three steps:

Not sure how to pick a design? Learn more about how the template process works, what to look for, and how to make the best use of your new template after purchase. Every template journey includes these three steps:

Not sure how to pick a design? Learn more about how the template process works, what to look for, and how to make the best use of your new template after purchase. Every template journey includes these three steps:

Select a design

Browse the catalog of templates to find a design that aligns with your brand's look, goals, and overall vibe.

Select a design

Browse the catalog of templates to find a design that aligns with your brand's look, goals, and overall vibe.

Select a design

Browse the catalog of templates to find a design that aligns with your brand's look, goals, and overall vibe.

Add your content

Make the template your own! Copy/paste content from an old website, or use this opportunity to start fresh.

Add your content

Make the template your own! Copy/paste content from an old website, or use this opportunity to start fresh.

Add your content

Make the template your own! Copy/paste content from an old website, or use this opportunity to start fresh.

Publish your site

Share your new site with the world. Easily dial-in your SEO settings, sharing assets, favicon, and more.

Publish your site

Share your new site with the world. Easily dial-in your SEO settings, sharing assets, favicon, and more.

Publish your site

Share your new site with the world. Easily dial-in your SEO settings, sharing assets, favicon, and more.

01 Select a design

How to pick a template

All templates can be customized and styles however you like. But, starting from a design that already aligns with your brand's goals can save a lot of time! Here are a few ways to decide:


In your industry

All templates are styled with specific use-cases in mind. While they can be customized for any business, picking one that's already setup how you need can go a long way.

All templates are styled with specific use-cases in mind. While they can be customized for any business, picking one that's already setup how you need can go a long way.


Match your brand

You have a Squarespace site.

It's helpful to pick a design that's already close to your current brand: Colors, typography, and imagery that already match can make the choosing process easier.

It's helpful to pick a design that's already close to your current brand: Colors, typography, and imagery that already match can make the choosing process easier.


Go for features

If your project requires specific features — like a portfolio carousel, eCommerce setup, or filterable resource catalog… keep an eye out for templates that include it!

If your project requires specific features — like a portfolio carousel, eCommerce setup, or filterable resource catalog… keep an eye out for templates that include it!

02 Add content

Make it your own

Templates are standalone websites, not themes — which means you'll have to add content manually to be able to publish. Here are some things you might add to your site to give it some life:

Templates are standalone websites, not themes, which means you'll have to add content manually to be able to publish. Here are some things you might add to your site to give it some life:

• Copy

• Imagery

• Blog posts

• Illustrations

• Brand colors

• Pricing details

• Font settings

• Image galleries

03 Publish your site

03 Publish your site

03 Publish your site

Sharing your new site

Once your content is added and everything is launch-ready, there are just a few more things to do before hitting "publish".

Update SEO settings

Make sure your site looks good on Google. Change the SEO titles, page descriptions, favicon, and social sharing image.

Use a custom domain

Connect your custom domain to the new site via Squarespace's easy-connect method. Use SQSP domains, or any 3rd party domains.

Purchase subscription

SM Templates require the Business plan to function properly. If you have an existing site, cancel it and re-subscribe on the new site.

Start your template journey